Search The Way wishes to acknowledge the great success of recent Duke of Edinburgh's Hillary Award recipients. To gain this internationally recognised Bronze Award requires a minimum of six months of dedication and hard mahi, so it is important to congratulate the following participants on their thoroughly deserved achievements:
Toroa Charteris, Zak Klempel, Cameron Klempel, Allizay Dean, Samantha McCleery, Julian Guppy.
Sophie Soutar, Grace Arnold, Holly Manera, Madeleine Dennehy-Coles, Anna Nyland, Rowi Goodwin, Tana Alkorta, Jack Glancy.
Completing a Duke of Edinburgh's Hillary Award requires participants to develop their ability in Skills, give others voluntary help in Service, improve fitness and well-being through Physical Recreation and after training complete Adventurous Journeys as part of a group. More information about the Award can be found at or #dukeofednz.
Special thanks to the support networks of the above Award recipients, including parents, whanau, Section Assessors, Buller High, John Paul II High, Karamea Area and South Westland Area School Management and Staff - without your assistance and encouragement this would not have been possible.
Big congratulations to our recent Award recipients. We look forward to presenting more Awards in the near future and wish all participants every success in the next leg of their life journey.